It means "God, gives me more time"... A serial j-drama i watched over the weekends.. kaneshiro as the hero n fukada as the heroin.. heard so much abt it, decided to watch it myself to know wat the hu-ha's abt... And suprise2, i'm not that dissappointed with the ending although did shed a few tears ( fukada died in the end, on her WEDDING DAY.. i know2, pass me the Kleenex :))
Well, that title also reflects my currently "living-on-the-fast-lane" life.. Been on 6th gear from February till now. May 2007 is to be the most busy time at work since there are big plans those big bosses wanted to introduce..In other words, expect no sleep, expect no life.. ;p... but seriously, although some would thrive on this fast-pace life, i feel like i need a pause button .... to have just a bit more time with my own life, as a daughter, a sister, a friend and as a Hamba to Allah S.W.T.. Few days ago, i was told that my juniors back at school was killed in a car crash.. They were just 19 years old and 2 of them, were the only child in the family.. Although i don't know them, but we conventian have this traditions, all conventian are our sisters.. Imagine my shock when i heard of this news.. Had the same news before few years back, involving someone i'm very close to..So, to hear it again... was.... heartbreaking... So young, so much life lies ahead, yet Allah decided to have them back to be in that 'better place'.. How would my ending be like? Will i be surrounded by friends and families? Yet to be determined.. hopefully, i will die in IMAN for that is the sole purpose for any khalifah to be put in this world. Insya-Allah...
Kamisama Mou Sukashi Dake Kudasai (God, give me more time please?)